Public Art Piece
'His Messenger - Our Prayers'
A public art piece by Six Nation's artist David General enhances the front entrance of the Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum. This work of public art is 6 ft. x 5 ft. x 4.5 ft. and is cast in bronze.
"His Messenger - Our Prayers will help all peoples - native and non native - realize we sometimes need divine intervention to get the most out of respect, wisdom, good minds and cooperation. We should never think we can or need to face life's toughest challenges alone,"
said artist David General.
In His Messenger - Our Prayers, prayers are carried on the wings of an eagle as it is set free in fire and smoke. The prayer being offered is the Thanksgiving Address - Ohenton Kariwahtekwen.
On the work of art text is used to highlight the prayer: The People, Our Mother Earth, The Grasses/Plants/Vegetation, The Three Sisters, The Waters, The Wild Animals, The Trees/Bushes, Maple, The Birds, The Four Winds, The Thunderers, Our Elder Brother - The Sun, Our Grandmother - The Moon, The Stars, Teachers and The Creator.