Region of Waterloo Museums Accessibility

Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum

Woman in wheelchair looking at the descriptions of an exhibitThe Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum is accessible for visitors with disabilities. Upon arriving at the Museum, please ask for our Guide to Visitors with Disabilities to learn about all of the Museum's services.
Most of the historic buildings in Doon Heritage Village are accessible, although our gravel pathways and roadways may pose a barrier for some people. All-terrain wheelchairs are available on loan, free of charge, at the admissions desk on a first come, first serve basis.

When visiting Doon Heritage Village, we recommend that individuals with manual, non-motorized wheelchairs have someone available to push/help with their wheelchair.

Please note that the width of some door openings inside the historic buildings may limit access for people with motorized scooters and wheelchairs; entry door widths are listed in the Guide to Visitors with Disabilities.

The Christie Theatre is equipped with an assistive listening system. Ask at the admissions desk for a receiver. The orientation film about life in 1914, which plays throughout the day in the Christie Theatre during the summer and fall months, is open captioned. 

Service animals are always welcome at the Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum.

The Region of Waterloo maintains TTY access for people who are deaf or have difficulty hearing at 519-575-4608.


PAL Card

For some people with disabilities, it is necessary to have someone's help in order to participate in recreation and leisure activities. The Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum honours PAL - the Personal Attendant for Leisure card.

Schneider Haus National Historic Site 

The main floors of the historic house and exhibit galleries are accessible. A written guide is available for those unable to access the second floor of the historic house. The grounds and pathways may be a barrier to those with limited mobility. Schneider Haus does not offer wheelchair accessible washrooms.     

McDougall Cottage Historic Site 

The Cottage is partially accessible and has accommodations that can be requested.

  • Mobile ramp for wheelchairs to access main rooms of the Cottage.
  • Public washrooms (no changing facilities)
  • Outdoor space has narrow walkways.
  • Interior steps may be a barrier to people with mobility impairments.

Please call the Cottage prior to your visit for accommodations. 519-624-8250